AppInventor 07: Create a Scavenger Hunt Quiz
In the following scenario, a scavenger hunt app is developed with the help of AppInventor. With the help of this scavenger hunt app, QR codes… Read More »AppInventor 07: Create a Scavenger Hunt Quiz
In the following scenario, a scavenger hunt app is developed with the help of AppInventor. With the help of this scavenger hunt app, QR codes… Read More »AppInventor 07: Create a Scavenger Hunt Quiz
A TODO-list application is built with the AppInventor to learn to save data in the local tinydb (database). The app can capture entries, save entries… Read More »AppInventor 06: Creating a database (TinyDB)
A land capital app is being developed with the help of AppInventor. Countries and the corresponding capitals can be entered into this and also retrieved.… Read More »AppInventor 05: Creation of a country capital app with the Tiny Web DB
Eine lernfähige Maschine wird in AppInventor entwickelt. Die Grundidee der Teachable Machine besteht darin, dem Programm oder dem Computer beizubringen, bestimmte Bilder, Töne und visuelles… Read More »AppInventor 04: Lernfähige Maschine
In this learning scenario, an outdoor app is created. It is possible to add a plant name, a plant photo and also the location where… Read More »AppInventor 02: Outdoor App
This learning scenario serves as preparation for the larger “Outdoor Computing App”. The first step is to implement a plant list app in AppInventor to… Read More »AppInventor 01: Outdoor Plant App